Nevada County Broadband Committee
The Nevada County Broadband Committee formed July 21, 2023. It works with ARConnect, The Arkansas State Broadband Office, which is administering the $1 billion allocated to Arkansas from the BEAD Program (BEAD Progress Dashboard). This is the internet construction portion of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 118-58)
(PDF Document)
of November 2021 working toward
High-Speed Internet for All.
The committee wants to assure that all of Nevada County has or will have:
- Internet Infrastructure and Access,
- Affordable Internet, and
- Internet and Digital Skills Education.
The Nevada County Broadband Committee follows the guidelines of the Arkansas Broadband Office and defines "broadband" as a internet access speed of at least "100/20".
- The "100" means 100 megabits per second (100 Mbps) download from the internet.
- The "20" means 20 megabits per second (20 Mbps) upload to the internet.
- These benchmarks have been preferences of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) for quite a while, were formally proposed with
Increase Minimum Broadband Speed Benchmark
(PDF Document)
on November 1, 2023 and adopted with FCC Increases Broadband Speed Benchmark
(PDF Document)
on March 14, 2024.
- The FCC plans a future benchmark of "1000/500".
- Technical Information: Megabits vs Megabytes [ ⮟ More ]
History of Broadband Service Turn-Ups in Nevada County
Walnut Hill Communications ‐ Southern Nevada County
Date: Late 2022
Walnut Hill Communications began providing fiber internet service in the southern area of Nevada County. More information
South Central Connect ‐ Nevada County
Date: December 15, 2022
SSC "opened" fiber internet service of 1000/1000 to their electrical service area in Nevada County, known by electricity providers as "Hope East".. More information
CableLynx ‐ Prescott
Date: June 1, 2023
CableLynx increased speeds in Prescott for 150/10 customers to 300/20 without a price increase! More information
South Central Connect ‐ Prescott
Date: October 4, 2023
SSC "opened" the City of Prescott and connected their first customer on October 4, 2023 at 1000/1000 speed. More information
CableLynx ‐ Prescott
Date: December 15-19, 2023
CableLynx launched Gig service in Prescott. More information
CableLynx ‐ Emmet
Date: January 21, 2024
CableLynx launched Gig service in Emmet. More information
When and From Where Can I Get Broadband?
Arkansas Broadband Map
- Search for your address (input field is in the upper right corner) then tap the adddress when found.
- The Arkansas Broadband Map will zoom in.
- Note the color of the dot representing your location and click on that dot.
- Once you've clicked your dot, check the white panel on the left.
- If your dot is gray, broadband is currently available There's a list of "PROVIDERS" and the available speeds. See our list of ISPs for contact information.
- If your dot is green, there is already funding awarded to build internet to your location. "FUNDING PROGRAM" shows the ISP and grant. "Above baseline" means at least 100/10 service, but most providers are building 1000/1000 service and plan to have it working by the end of 2025.
- If your dot is blue or red, your location will soon funded. You are quite some time away from having broadband internet available. Arkansas wants it built by the end of 2027, but the grant program allows until 2029.
- If you address is not listed, try a neighbor's address to see if broadband is deployed or will soon be funded in the area.
FCC Broadband Map
- Type you address at the search prompt, then click it in the list.
- You'll see a list of current Internet Service providers. The listings do NOT show grants to build services.
- Listings with "Technology" of "Fiber to the Premises" and "Cable" are the only ones delivered by companies with a presence in the area. The satellite services can seldom deliver consistent service. "Copper" is not capable of delivering service that meets the definition of "broadband".
Arkansas State Broadband Office County Roadshow
- Date: April 4, 2024
- Location: Nevada County Courthouse
- Time: 4:00 – 5:00
- Who: All Nevada County residents interested in broadband development!
The Second Annual Arkansas State Broadband Office Broadband County Roadshow is coming to Nevada County! Get ready for an incredible opportunity to shape the future of broadband in your community and beyond. Join us on April 4th as we welcome the roadshow to Nevada County. We'll be diving into discussions about how broadband access is transforming lives and driving progress right here in our backyard, and what’s next. Here's what you need to know:
This is your chance to make your voice heard and be a part of something special. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to shape the future of broadband access in Nevada County and beyond.
Can't wait to see you there! Let's make a difference together.
#NaturallyConnected #ARConnect #ARCommerce #ARPX #arleg #TopTenState #LeaderInTheSouth #Broadband #DigitalOpportunity
Map Challenge Process
Dates: March 12, 2024 - April 18, 2024
The Arkansas Broadband Office BEAD Map Challenge Phase works to assure the map is correct in order to provide funding to qualified Internet Service Providers (ISPs) so they can build broadband internet to each location in Nevada County.
Work of the Nevada County Committee.
BEAD: Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment
Dates: November 1 and 14, 2023
Money to build additional internet infrastructure is available!
- The Arkansas Broadband Office is administering the $1 billion allocated to Arkansas from the
BEAD Program,
a part of the bipartisan
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
(Public Law 118-58)
(PDF Document)
of November 2021 working toward High-Speed Internet for All.
- State of Arkansas Initial Program Volume I
(PDF Document)
- State of Arkansas Initial Program Volume II
(PDF Document)
FCC Maps
Date: November 18, 2022
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released two maps:
One map shows internet speed available at a given address.
One map shows funding that has been granted to build internet at that address.
These maps are the basis for BEAD funding.
More information on the maps and the Nevada County Broadband Committee's Role
Arkansas State Broadband Office Broadband County Roadshow
Date: July 21, 2023
Location: Nevada County Courthouse.
Purpose: Formation of Nevada County Broadband Committee