Nevada County Broadband Committee
Nevada County, Arkansas

Home Internet Service Providers FCC Maps Links & Resources

This page is a historical reference to how the Nevada County Broadband Committee worked with the Arkansas Broadband Office in completing the map challenges part of the BEAD Grant Program.
Most of the notes and hyperlinks in this page are no longer useful.

Check Your Dot!
The Arkansas Broadband Office, ARConnect, has a map.
The map shows internet service available at each location and is the guideline for awarding BEAD funding in 2024 to build internet access.

ARConnect Speed Test
Do these tests if your Internet Service Provider (ISP) promises (on your internet bill) speeds of at least 100 Mbps download and 20 Mbps upload, but does not deliver that speed.
Opens in new browser window. On that page, tap "Start the Test".
Overview: Required: Technically: The Questions Asked Then What? Arkansas is one of only a few states providing individuals with a way to participate in the challenge process.


By Federal Law, only certain persons are allowed to make the official "challenge". The Nevada County Broadband Committee can be the liaison between an individual and those persons.

If you would like to view the meetings of the Arkansas Broadband Office, visit:

Content on this web site is coordinated by Co-Chairpersons:

Mary Godwin, Director, Nevada County Economic Development Office,

Website by Danny Stewart,